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Winter Resonance

Winter Resonance is a seasonal offering using multi modalities all designed to bring harmony and balance to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self during the season of Winter. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is achieved by living in balance with nature and the seasons. Winter, the season of the Water Element, is the season for slowing down, reflecting, and conserving our resources.

This season is associated with the kidneys, bladder, and adrenal glands and the time of year when these organs are most active, accessible, and even vulnerable. They are more receptive to being restored, nurtured, and energized. At the same time, it is also when they can become easily depleted. Using Breathwork, Qi Gong, Yin Yoga and Meditation.

Winter Resonance with Katie is an invitation to take time to nurture, restore and balance yourself with some deep introspection.

23 June

108 Sun Salutations

12 August

MELD - Creative Sequencing & Art of Language